Also, both Skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini can both be deleted from your my documents/my games/skyrim special edition folder and the game will create new ones from scratch, this can often be helpful in these situations.Ī: Quite big. ini files, make sure they are edited correctly.

If you are using MO 2 as your mod organizer it has its own. Q: The Grass is really tiny / it's less grass than vanilla!Ī: Make sure you haven't done any "strange" edits to your ini files.
If not you can extract the file from the SFO archive and overwrite the file in this folder. \Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Textures\terrain\tamriel\trees make sure this file is the same as in the archive. This is the location for the tree LOD file. So make sure you have no other mod(s) that is adding a tree LOD which overrides mine. Q: The LOD's in the distance look like they have been scissored in half?!Ī: You have a LOD that isn't compatible with my MOD which comes with it's own LOD for trees. Thanks for understanding and thanks for not PM'ing me about it. 3) I am currently not very satisfied with the mod overall, so obviously i'm not interested in it being ported either.
I prefer full control myself to e.g patch, remove stuff i'm not happy with etc. 2) I am not comfortable leaving the mod in the hands of someone else. Even on PC this can be a really demanding mod, xbox would likely need a less demanding version. I don't allow this because 1) I don't own xbox so i can't test it or make tweaks and whatnot. ini to get all ground covers?Ī: I have included a skyrim flora overhaul.ini for the main version that should take care of it. * removed dragonborn addon (not happy with this now very old addon, might do a new one) * better SSE support for some of the meshes This file contains the needed iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=7 which should not be changed. You can change the iMinGrassSize value to whatever you like, my default is 10, you can up this value (e.g 40) if you want better performance. * skyrim flora overhaul.ini added (you no longer need to edit your skyrim.ini file) * treepineforest04.nif is now Scots Pine instead of the really tall pine - looks overall better and more natural + gives some diversity * comes with LodGen folder so you can generate the tree LODs from scratch, if you need to. * Comes with newly genered tree LOD's (no need to generete LODs for this version if you dont need to) * Removed all light snowy trees except for 02 (others were buggy in SSE + these doesnt look that good anyways and arent used a lot) nifs so that each name is individual (using the same names could possilby lead to crashes according to one source) * treepineforestdead03.nif (the bare, dead tree) has a much improved normal map * vurt_yellowflowers.dds added again - somehow it was missing in the last version * Updated Normalmaps (higher res, added alpha channel which seems to be required for SE version) * Some changes to the tree LOD texture (less saturated, tweaked specifically for SSE) esp saved with latest version of the CK to assure SSE compability